“Being in love is a complicated matter, although anyone who is prepared to pretend that love is a simple, straightforward business is always in a strong position for making conquests. In general, things are apt to turn out unsatisfactorily for at least one of the parties concerned; and in due course only its most determined devotees remain unwilling to admit that an intimate and affectionate relationship is not necessarily a simple one: while such persistent enthusiasts have usually brought their own meaning of the word something far different from what is conveys to most people in early life. At that period love’s manifestations are less easily explicable than they become later: often they do not bear that complexion of being a kind of game, or contest, which, at a later stage, they may assume.”
- Anthony
Powell: A Dance to the Music of Time: Spring
Wise words
from the 1950’s, when writers were so much more eloquent than they seem to be
nowadays. I have never read a lot of true literature, somehow it never really
appealed to me, although I loved talking about it with my grandmother. But as I
started on a couple of typical bestseller list books lately, but was never able
to finish one, I thought it might be time to dive into some good books. After
all, the books I enjoyed most lately were Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, and Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom; both not your average beach
read. And I must say, I love Powell’s masterpiece. It is one of those books you
can fully lose yourself in, enjoying the atmosphere he so vividly creates upon
the pages; getting to know the many and complex characters, taking in the carefully
chosen words and the beautifully constructed sentences. If you are looking for
a good book to get you through those long autumn nights, I can only recommend
O, ik hou ervan om te verdwijnen in een boek. Mijn docente Nederlands zei eens, dat je eigenlijk altijd een stapeltje boeken naast je bed moet hebben liggen. En ze heeft gewoon gelijk!
ReplyDeleteJa dat denk ik ook! Ik lees ook altijd meerdere boeken door elkaar, voor iedere stemming eentje.